Honoree & Speaker

Paul Dalio

  • Paul Dalio is a writer/director/musician. He received his master’s from the NYU Graduate film school where he met his professor, Spike Lee who became executive producer of his first feature film, "Touched with Fire," starring Katie Holmes, inspired by his struggles overcoming bipolar disorder. The film premiered at SXSW film festival. It was a New York Times Critic's Pick and received awards from 11 mental health organizations for the impact it had in their communities. This brought Paul into a life-long mission, from public speaking including appearances on Charlie Rose and Dr Oz, to speaking on Capitol Hill and at the United Nations to running the NYC Marathon for NAMI. Paul also used music to de-stigmatize bipolar, making an album with 18 Grammy nominated music producer Jerry Wonda. The album titled Lunatic was released under the Alias Luna Clipse. He's currently writing a book, "A Madman's Revelation, a Memoir of Psychosis and prophecy,” and is about to start teaching a course at Columbia University on storytelling for impact. Paul lives in New York with his wife and two kids. 

Sponsorships and Tickets Now Available!

Contact Rachel Hanley at [email protected] with any questions. Live Auction Donation Form

Gold Sponsorship $50,000


  • Premium seating with up to 2 tables at the Gala (24 people)

  • Headliner recognition in press releases, marketing, website, social media and at event.

  • Personalized marketing/publicity plan for brand recognition.

  • 6 tickets to the Pathway’s Spring concert benefit at the Capitol Theatre “Music and Change”

Purchase Gold Sponsorship

Silver Sponsorship $25,000


  • Premium seating with 1 table at the Gala (10 people)

  • Recognition in press releases, marketing, website, social media and at event.

  • Personalized marketing/publicity plan for brand recognition.

  • 4 tickets to the Pathway’s Spring concert benefit at the Capitol Theatre “Music and Change”

Purchase Silver Sponsorship

Bronze Sponsorship $10,000


  • Premium seating with 1 table at the Gala (10 people)

  • Recognition in press releases, marketing, website, social media and at event.

  • 4 tickets to the Pathway’s Spring concert benefit at the Capitol Theatre “Music and Change”

Purchase Bronze Sponsorship

$5,000 Sponsorship


  • Entry for four (4) attendees at the Gala

  • Premium seating location

  • Recognition in press releases, marketing, website, social media and at event.

  • 2 tickets to the Pathway’s Spring concert benefit at the Capitol Theatre “Music and Change”

Purchase 5K Sponsorship

$2,500 Sponsorship


  • Entry for two (2) attendees at the Gala

  • Premium seating location

  • Recognition in press releases, marketing, website, social media and at event.

Purchase 2.5K Sponsorship

Individual Tickets


Make payable to:


Note: 2024 GALA

Mail or drop-off address:



Thank you to our sponsors!!

Bruce and Margie Warwick

Tom and Kim Athan

Leo and Nicole Arnaboldi