2024 Annual Appeal

Dear Friends,  

As we are coming to the end of our Fiscal Year, I am writing to ask for your support in the form of donations. We are fundraising to help maintain the care we provide, make necessary improvements for the sustainability of our organization and increase the care we provide to more individuals who need our help. Our goal is to reach $4 million by July 2025. 

We are currently serving over 60 individuals in the Greenwich area, and we receive daily inquiries from new families who need our help. Nearly half of our residential clients would be homeless with no families to support them without our care.  

Today, the reality is stark. According to Greenwich United Way, the annual survival budget for individuals in our region exceeds $39,000. This survival budget does not even begin to cover the extensive medical attention and clinical care our clients require.  

At Pathways, we're dedicated to providing person-centered care. Yet, with only 60 percent of our operating costs covered by government funding, we face a daunting challenge. To sustain our current operations, let alone improve or expand, we rely on grants and private funding for the remaining 40 percent.  

Your support is vital in ensuring that we can continue providing housing and services to this vulnerable group of deserving individuals. Your generosity can make a tangible difference in their lives. Your contribution, no matter the size, will help us make a lasting impact. 

Thank you for considering supporting Pathways. Included are some updates, successes and greatest needs we are facing.  

With gratitude, 

Peter J. Tesei

Executive Director

What does success look like?

With the help of our small but mighty dedicated staff, our clients are able to achieve their goals and milestones

Getting on a healthy track

Our social workers are helping with the Mental Health Waiver (MHW) so clients can benefit from services. One client has lost 20lbs with the help of the MHW delivered meals and taking walks with their social worker and recovery assistant!

Tai Chi has been a favorite of our clients. Thanks to a donated gift, our clients have a weekly session with Jonathan Davis from Tawawa Wellness.

Thanks to a grant from Greenwich Department of Housing and Human Services, our clients are able to sign up at the YMCA.


It can be a struggle to get out of your home/safe space and become an active member of the community. We are very blessed to see an increase in our community clients coming to our day program, The Club. We have made headway with clients who are now participating on a daily basis, socializing with peers and trusting our staff.

Activities of Daily Living (ADLs)

We started a pilot program with one of our social workers. The new trainings have proven to be a significant help with everyday skills that can be very difficult to achieve. We are thrilled to see clients “graduate” to more independent living after showing much improvement.

Pet Adoption!

Many of our clients are animal lovers. We have clients who are living in the independent living apartments who are able to not only take care of themselves but also their pets. We welcomed a new puppy to the Pathways family this year!

The best thing about Pathways, are the clients.
— Peter Tesei, Executive Director

How can we be better for our clients?

Pathways is not a place just for our clients. Many staff members and board members have a personal connection with mental illness and Pathways is a haven for all to come together and better understand the needs for these adults. We are a dedicated family who wants to make a great impact and help this vulnerable population find peace and purpose.

More Personalized Care

Pathway’s original founder Reneé Bigler, along with her trusted friends, created a much-needed organization in a time where the institutionalized were needing to find new homes.

As Pathway’s has evolved, so have the clients and types of clients. Our clients who have been with us are aging and need more specialized medical care. At the same time, new clients are of a younger generation; therefore, the type of care is different.

There is more knowledge on how to provide quality care. There are more specialties and professionals who can provide more individualized attention. There are more solutions for different cases being tried, studied, and proven daily. The solutions are out there, but the costs for access and resources are high.

Recruiting and Retaining Talent

Our pilot program on activities of daily living (ADLs) at our Group Home has proven that the right training can produce better results. With more funds, we can retain talented and driven staff, keep them motivated with proper trainings, and ensure the future of quality care to our clients.

There are many administrative needs that are not being met properly to ensure the sustainability of our organization. With more funding we could hire professional positions that would significantly help our day-to-day operations.

Home Improvements and Housing Availability

We have four houses with 36 clients in total that need constant care and upkeep. There are many rooms for improvement both in structure, design and organization that would improve our clients daily living.

Additionally, we have a growing waitlist and are currently undertaking a needs assessment survey to be able to show the unmet need for additional housing. Some examples of what we need include the following:

  • An opportunity to potentially increase housing availability is in the works. To start, we will need to come up with funding for a feasibility study.

  • An improvement we are trying to fund is the demolition of an uninhabitable garage to make more outdoor space for our clients.

A home is a shelter from storms — all sorts of storms. We all know when we are feeling sick or down all we want to do is be home. Can you imagine feeling that way daily and not having a safe home to go to?
— Tom Athan, President and brother

How do we get there?

#1 Donations

While we do receive state and federal funding, due to the high cost of maintaining our homes and quality care professionals, this only covers 60% of our operating costs to maintain the status quo. All other costs and improvements are covered by grants, individual and corporate donations. Without you, we would not be able to help this vulnerable population and their loved ones. We greatly appreciate any amount you are able to give.

Help us reach our goal!

$4M by July 2025

Donate Today

Debit/Credit Card



Checks can be mailed and made payable to:

Pathways, Inc.

175 Milbank Ave, Greenwich, CT 06830

Stock or Wire Transfers

Email Finance Director, John Silango, at [email protected].

Foundation or Corporate Grants, Major Gifts, Endowments and Naming Opportunities

Email Development Manager, Rachel Hanley, at [email protected].

#2 Board Members and Partnerships

We are seeking new Board Members and Partnerships with the following specialties:

  • Psychiatry

  • General Practice

  • Hospital Administration

  • Business Development/Strategic Planning

  • Human Resources

Email Executive Director, Peter Tesei, to discuss at [email protected].

The Pathways family understands that the mental illness does not define a person, it is just a part of the person that needs care. They are someone’s child, grandchild, brother, sister, aunt, uncle, parent. They all deserve to be treated and cared like anyone else. They deserve to be encouraged to succeed in their goals and live life with purpose.
— Rachel Hanley, staff and sister

Donating Household Items

While we do very much appreciate donated household items, we do have limited space so all items will be accepted on an as needed-basis. If you would like to donate an item, please fill out the form below.


Learn more about Severe Mental Illness from recommended reputable resources.


Whether its a professional craft or a casual conversation, you can make a great impact in our clients lives.